This is the Jomres Joomla Bootstrap 5 Quickstart.


The purpose of this Quickstart is to give you a complete, working installation of Jomres which you can use as a foundation for building your own Joomla property booking portal.

It is built entirely in Bootstrap 5, so if you are familiar with that framework, then you will find it very easy to customise layouts to suit your own requirements.

This Sunbearu theme is a child template of the Cassiopeia template that comes with Joomla 4.1. It is deliberately delivered with as few customisations as possible. In the previous Quickstart sets I learned that using third party plugins and frameworks was fraught with problems. Some of those third party extensions (such as slideshows) may not be updated regularly, or indeed may be abandonware. It also meant that integrators were forced to work with frameworks that they were not familiar with, which meant that they are forced to learn new ways of working to achieve their goals. By keeping customisations to a bare minimum you, the integrator, are free to use your own libraries and skills and work the way you're used to working.

This Quickstart is built around the premise that it’s much easier for you to remove things that you don’t need, than for you to pore over documentation to figure out how to add stuff. This is why we have included all of the most commonly used shortcodes on the various pages on this site. They serve as example code that you can copy and paste into articles, or just delete them if you don’t want them. All of the example pages are in the Jomres Shortcodes Articles category which makes them easy to find and batch unpublish/remove once you have finished building your site and you no longer need example data to guide you.

The Manual is very well documented because Jomres is not a template, it’s a complete booking engine for Hotels and Villas. It was originally created in March of 2005 and has been consistently developed ever since. It is not SaaS, the code and data are stored on your website, in your database.

Unlike many other systems Jomres Property Management is done via the public facing pages on your site, not the administrator area. You, or your property managers, will access the plugin through the Bookings menu option above. From the Bookings menu item managers can modify those properties that they have created, or been given access to by you through the Admin > Jomres > Users > Property Managers page.

Individual shortcode items are constructed by Jomres and layout is presented via template files that can be found in a number of different places.

Jomres Core’s template files are in /jomres/assets/templates/bootstrap5, while plugin template files are found in the respective plugin’s directory in /jomres/core-plugins.

If you want to customise any of the template files that comes with Jomres Core, you should read this article in the manual which tells you how to safely override template files in an update-safe way.

Please remember that you cannot add PHP code to Jomres template files. Wherever possible we strive to keep code and HTML markup strictly separated. This makes customising layout very simple for you as designers and integrators.

This Quickstart does not include any translations plugins. You are free to use whichever plugin works best for you. The Translation feature in the property manager’s Translations page will save translations of strings to any language you choose however those translations will not show up until you have configured your site for multiple languages.

This Quickstart uses images from Unsplash, the Sunbearu template is a child template of the Cassiopeia template and Jomres Core uses the marvellous Bootstrap 5.0 framework. We stand on the shoulders of giants.




h1. Bootstrap heading

h2. Bootstrap heading

h3. Bootstrap heading

h4. Bootstrap heading

h5. Bootstrap heading
h6. Bootstrap heading
Inline text elements

You can use the mark tag to highlight text.

This line of text is meant to be treated as deleted text.

This line of text is meant to be treated as no longer accurate.

This line of text is meant to be treated as an addition to the document.

This line of text will render as underlined

This line of text is meant to be treated as fine print.

This line rendered as bold text.

This line rendered as italicized text.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer posuere erat a ante.

Someone famous in Source Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer posuere erat a ante.

Someone famous in Source Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer posuere erat a ante.

Someone famous in Source Title
Background color
Badge Primary Secondary Success Danger Warning Info Light Dark
Text color











Alerts Progress
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.
Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.
When an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.
Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.
When an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

With textarea
List group
  • Cras justo odio 14
  • Dapibus ac facilisis in 2
  • Morbi leo risus 1
# First Last Handle
1 Mark Otto @mdo
2 Jacob Thornton @fat
3 Larry the Bird @twitter
# First Last Handle
1 Mark Otto @mdo
2 Jacob Thornton @fat
3 Larry the Bird @twitter
Class Heading Heading
Active Cell Cell
Default Cell Cell
Primary Cell Cell
Secondary Cell Cell
Success Cell Cell
Danger Cell Cell
Warning Cell Cell
Info Cell Cell
Light Cell Cell
Dark Cell Cell


Casseopeia Module positions